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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 12th Febry. 1786 We have recd. your Letter of the 8th. Inst and also the Assay therein ment[ione]d. We observe the loss of Lead in last Operation is nearly an Eleventh part and that the Silver comes within 18oz. 7dwt. 9grn. 6[/10] of the Assays. The Silver weighed exactly 894 ½ Ounces. It gives us much pleasure to hear Matt. Temperley is getting better & we shall be happy to be informed that Johns Son continues well of his complaint. On Friday we had a sudden change of Weather and all the snow is gone here. Last Night and this day we have had a perfect hurricane which has done vast damage to the Roofs here and all around us. We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner