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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 11 June 1784 We have recd. your Letter of the 7th. inst and are glad to find Mr. Peter Mulcaster has got well home. As we do not find ourselves for the present at liberty at all to interfere as to the Haydon Bridge School Business, we have written to Mr. Twedell that we cannot, for the present, take any part in it. If you shd. hear, without making any particular Inquiry, what passes at the Meeting, we should like to know, but this to yourselves. It is necessary immediately to determine what Grounds is to be taken for Langley Mill from any of the Farms which are soon to be advertised, and we have written to Mr. Thornton to wait upon you for this purpose the very first Opportunity. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. We have sold 5000 pieces of Lead, including abt. 1000 Slag at £16. 15.- Don’t mention the Price. Silver is now 5s./10d. per Ounce.