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Errors in Langley Mill Operations 1784 Dec 4th in Ore Smelted Blagill Burn 10.6 shd. be Bouse 2.4 Cutting 3.2 .. 10.6 in Stock of Ore Lough Vein Bouse 281 .. Cutting 24.4 shd. be 251. & 27.4 Jas. Johnsons piece of Lead to be struck out of the Operation it being included in the 3 charged in Operation ending 30 October. 1785 February 26 Stock of Litharge 295.1.9 shd. be 293.1.12 May 14 Black Slag Lead Refined 151 pieces shd. be 166 Produced as follows 1784 June 26th Operation 43 Oct 2 Do by Thos Jameson 16 1785 May 16 Do 107 166 Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 11th. July 1785 Above you have an account of the errors in the several Operations for last Years Ore which are in little compass but Outcome a very odd one. The determination as to the having the Blagill Mill first done was a mistake of my own making and not Thomas Woods and he therefore did right in ordering the Men to work for the upper Mill first & we expect you are now at work taking down the side wall of the Bellows House. I gave directions to Thomas Wood to get the Wood for the <Stocks> of John Richardson & hope he has wrote accordingly by <Rewcastle & ptnrs> who I saw on Saturday with him. When your Cash is so much exhausted as to require a further Supply you shall have one & pray write in time. The sooner you have it the better as we know you’ll take care of it. The Bellows come much higher now than in 1766. Those for Smelting cost £36. 15. - besides Shipping Freight & Carriage and the Refining Bellows in proportion. Pray do you not think we ought to have the new Smelting Bellows as well as the new Refining ones? I am very glad you have got 10 Cart Loads of the Clargill Slates and much approve of their being used rather than Lough Green Slates but great care must be taken to have them good & sound. I am Your Humble Servant Nich. Walton Junr. PS. As soon as the Brick business is over I desire to have such further particulars as you may see proper. 1784 June 26 44 Refineable weighed 43 3 18 only reported to be 43 in June Operation Octr 2 16 Refineable weighed 15 2 13 May 7 100 Do. at the Ore Hearth 100 - 23 7 Do. at the Slag Hearth 7 - 12 166 3 10 151 Reported to have been Refined 151 - 22 15 lost or mislaid 45 2 16 Date of Directions for Messrs. Mulcaster to alter their Operation Papers. Operations 1784 Octr 30 Blagill Burn Bouse received 2: 4 shd. be Cutting & Same in Stock Dec 4 Blagill Burn Ore Smelted 10.6 must be all Cutting Gallygill Syke Bouse recd. 7:2 Cutting 2 must be Bouse 6.2 Cuttg. 3 Do. ……….. Stock Bouse 2.6 Cutting 6 must be Bouse 1.6 Cutting 7 25 Do. ……. Smelted Bouse 2.6 ………. must be Bouse 1.6 Cutting 1 The above are necessary to make the Operations correspond with the General Accounts of all Ore deliv[ere]d at the Mill. June 26 Refineable Black Slag Lead made 44 Stock 44 Total Stock 299 July 31 Stock 44 Do. 456 Augt 28 Do. 44 Do. 425 Octor. 2 16 Do. 60 Do. 549 30 Do. 60 Do. 967 Decr 4 Do. 60 Do. 933 25 Do. 60 Do. 1771 Jany.29 Do. 60 Do. 1585 Mar 26 Do. 60 Do. <640> May 14 107 Refined 167 We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner