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Farnacres 11 January 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster We have rec’d. your Letter of the 5th & 6th Inst. and with regard to the Furnace Smelting at Whitfield, as you are well acquainted with the person who is to have the management, we desire you will apply to him to have Liberty to attend and see the whole Process, and in event of Refusal, you are desired to let me know immediately. We are much concerned on Acct. of your Difficulties respecting the Lead Mill Smoke and indeed cannot see any <Method> of your relieving yourselves but that which you propose. We are obliged by your sending us the Estimates of the Value of Lough Vein Ore. We very much approve of your Conduct respecting the carriage of the Lead, and think it will be right to send off all the Lead of every kind as fast as possible, and we approve of your marking the Refined Slag Lead in the same manner as you did last year. You will take care to continue to mark all the Lead produced from Ore carried in 1783 - 82 til all is completed. As we are applied to by a Gentleman who is in the Refinery way at Liverpool to take the washing up of the Wastes at the old Smelting Houses at Keswick called the Dutch Houses, and want to be particularly informed what Appearances there are of getting Minerals and Slags, we desire that one of you will go to Keswick immediately on Receipt hereof, or as soon as your Convenience will admit, and that you will make as strict an examination as you can of the Grounds and we hope you will be enabled to finish your Examination in a few Days, and desire you will employ such number of Labourers as you may think proper in digging up particular parts, the latter to enable you to form your Judgement. After you have done this, you must come to Farnacres & bring with you a Report in Writing of your Proceedings. You are desired to apply to Mr. John Wren of <Nest> near Keswick, to whom we have wrote to give you every Assistance in his power. He expects you will meet with Lead & Copper Ore, Lead & Copper Slags, pieces of Lead & Copper, and some Black Lead such as Pencils are made of, to all of which, as well as any other matter you find, you are desired <to attend.> We are Your Hble. Servts. Nich. Walton Junr. JC Turner PS. If Mr. Wren shd. be from home, you are desired to apply to Mr. Joseph Dawson at Brow <Foss> near Keswick and you will set up your Horses at the Sign of the Royal Oak to which we always go.