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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 11 Feb. 1785 We have recd. your Letter which we observe has been originally dated by you the 7th. January 1785, but altered by Peter to 7 Inst. and approve of what you are doing as to washing of the Ore. The Money you receive of Thomas Coats is to be kept by you, and added to Matthew Temperley’s Acct. of Cash paid you for Coals. We send you a particular acct. of the Quantity of Lead delivered by each Carrier at Newcastle & when since last Pay, from which you will observe that there were 107<3/8> pieces of Lead on the Road the 29 Janry. We don’t know of any particular Demand for Slag Lead at present, and therefore suit your own Convenience in the Delivery. We have recd. Matthew Temperley’s two last Weeks Coal & Cinder Accounts. The more we think of the Situation for a new Mill, the more we are convinced that it will be proper to have it very near our Low Mill, and have no difficulty in contriving that it may either stand or go without being absolutely tied to our Motions; but we shall not be able to explain this matter ’til we are on the Spot. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner