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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 10th. March 1786 We have recd. your Letter of the 6th. Instant with the Assay of Silver from the Haydon Bridge Lead and hope the Quantity of Ore and Quality of it will make up for the Deficiency of Silver. It certainly appears that there is a Vein, but tho’ we hope, we fear the Prospect is not good. We shall be glad to hear from you from time to time concerning this Business. The Frost has been very severe indeed, but this Day it is quite fresh Weather and the snow almost all gone. We are very sorry to hear that <Fra.s> Robinson is very poorly, and doubt he is not young enough to give us an Expectation of his getting better again. As the smelting of our Ore will be finished early in April, we think it will be right to try to get the Lead carried without altering the price again, but we shall be better able to judge of that in a little time. Mr. Jobling was here last Friday and executed his Leases, so that Matter is quite fixed. We send you a paper shewing some few Errors in the Operations, all of which we have set right in those we have, and we have also corrected the Errors which you pointed out as contained in the inclosed List which we recd. from you, We are Yr. Hble Servants Walton & Turner Errors discovered on examining Langley Mill Operations Date of Articles in the Operation Articles as shd be in Operation Operation Bouse Cutting Total Bouse Cutting Total Bing Cwt b c b c b c b c b c 1785 July 30 In Stock Rampgill 94 7 — — 94 7 88 4 6 3 94 7 Scaleburn Moss 58 4 6 3 52 3 51 4 — 7 52 3 Middlecleugh 51 4 - 7 47 2 45 — 2 2 47 2 Tyne bottom 45 2 2 53 6 53 6 — — 53 6 0ctor 29 Middlecleugh 151 6 13 4 155 2 136 4 13 4 150 — Brt in Hangingshaw E End 3 6 — 6 4 4 4 4 — — 4 4 Stock Do. 15 2 — — 15 2 Dec 3 Brt in Shawfoot Cross Vn 2 1 — — 2 1 — — 2 1 2 1 Stock Do. & N End 1 4 5 6 6 7 1 4 5 3 6 7 Hangingshaw Et End 15 6 — 6 16 2 15 4 — 6 16 2 Cowhill Cross Vein 10 — — — 10 — 8 — 2 — 10 —