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Farnacres 10th Decr. 1782 Messrs. Mulcaster, We have received your Letter of the 8th with the Ore Carriage Account and shall have the Money ready whenever you think proper to come, only desire that it may not be on Monday next. The Assays from Lough Vein Slag Lead shew already that the Lead is not refineable, but Farnberry Slag Lead you must refine. On considering, I think it will be best for you to come on Wednesday, and shall therefore write to John <Friend> by the <New Moon> who will go to Alston on Saturday, and I will order him to be with you on Tuesday Morning and I think you should come from home so as to be here on Wednesday Morning early. We are concerned when you inform us you have discovered some more Lead to have been stolen, but we do not see that anything further can be done at present. We shall say nothing more til you come here. We are Your Hble. Servts. Walton & Turner