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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 10th. August 1785 The delivery to Wallbottle Moor Colliery Wagon Way may begin as soon as we have Lead but we should have all delivered at Newcastle which has been sent from the Mill since the Pay, before we begin upon the New Price. The whole Quantity sent from the Mill since the Pay is 859 Of which received at Newcastle to the 30th Ulto inclusive 587 Wanting or on the Road 31st July 1785 272 After delivery of the above we will give you directions about altering the Price from 12d. to 11½d. per piece. After the alteration takes place the Prices are to be as follows. From the Mill to Hexham 3 1/2 Wallbottle Dukes Hall 10 From Hexham to Do 6 1/2 From the Mill to Newcastle 11 ½ From Hexham to Do 8 The Persons Name who is to be given Tickets or Recets. for the Lead is John Charleton who lives at Dukes Hall close to the Waggonway at the very place where the Lead is to be delivered and Tickets shall be sent him this Week. We are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. The Carriers should have notice to get in the 272 pieces; and after the Carriage beyond on the new footing express directions must be given to Pile their Lead on delivery at Dukes Hall. The Price of Rye is likely to rise. We have sent you Fifty Pounds by Mr. Thornton for which you are desired to sign and return the inclosed Recet.