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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 10 April 1785 My time has been so much taken up that I have never had an Opportunity of fully considering in what manner the best to make a Reservoir so as to be connected with the present Dam; however what you have pointed out convinces me that it will be proper to stop that Work for the present ’til I can have an Opportunity of being again upon the Spot; and I am also of opinion it will be proper to let alone the making the Dam for converting the Coal Level into a Reservoir ’til the same time. What you propose as to the Lime Kiln appears to us to be perfectly right. We approve of your having paid Thomas Temperley £20 - and desire you will tell Matt[he]w Temperley to acquaint Thomas Coats that we take it much amiss he has not yet pd. for the Coals he got from Stublick Colliery. Very probably we shall receive full Descriptions concerning the intended Alterations at Langley Mill before we come to the Rec[eip]ts at Hexham, and therefore, at a venture now fix our being with you on Friday the 22nd. in the Evening, and shall stay with you as long as may be necessary to fix every thing as to Carriage and other things concerning which you shall hear further from us. We do insist upon it that Mr. Thornton shall have nothing to do with the Carriage himself. Between this time and our coming up, you will, I am satisfied, take every thing into your consideration which strikes you, either as to the carriage or otherwise, and it may not be amiss for you to be trying upon what Terms you could let particular things, by which we think our Work will be shortened when we are with you, and we are the more desirous that you shd. do so, as the Difficulties you point out must necessarily arise. We now perfectly understand what relates to the Bellows, but Mr. James, still with his White coloured Ink, has set down the length of the pipe of the Smelting Bellows to be 21ft. 6ins. instead of 2ft. 6ins. however that makes no Difference to me as all is now quite clear as to them. I am Your Hble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr. PS. Geo. Turners Letter shall be deli[vere]d the first opportunity; he will be here again in a few days.