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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 1 Nov. 1786 We have recd. your Letter of the 30th. Ulto. with the two last Weeks Coal & Cinder Accounts, but cannot find more than 2 Assays, which are of the Refineable Lead, and therefore if you took notice of what they weighed we shd. be glad to know that we may enter them in our Assay Book. The following is a List of the Lead Carriers with the Quantities they have delivd. at the Warehouse since the 27 May last. Pieces Geo: Dickinson 12 Wm. Wilson 38 Wm. Havelock 30 Thos. Robson 149 Wm. Bell 278 John Bell 194 James Johnson 314 John Corbett 483 Geo: Goodbed 1120 2618 delivd. at Langley Mill since 27 May last 4421 1803 We have the pleasure to acquaint you that the price of Refined Lead is now £17 - - per Fod[de]r but Silver is only 5 / 7 ¾ per Ounce. In your Letter of the 25 you desire to know who are to come for the Money for the Pay. Thos. Temperley & Jno. Friend must come, and either of you may accompany them. We are Yr. Hble Servts Walton & Turner