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Mr John White Farnacres 17 May 1785 Sir, Having been from home for some time past, we now take the first Opportunity of writing to you in answer to your letter of the 5th. Inst. The Nose of the Pipe of the Smelting Bellows is to be 1 ¾ Inch Diam[ete]r in the clear, and to be circular. As you can secure the Pipes from slipping into the Bellows without the Assistance of the Collar, we give up the Collar, and shall depend upon your alteration in the constructing of the Bellows in such manner as to prevent such kind of Accidents to the Bellows which we are to receive from you. The fixing of the Gudgeons will, we doubt not, be in such manner as we have pointed out. All that we have to say respecting the deepness of the Leather is that we wd. wish it to be rather more than common than less. We should be glad to receive the whole of the Bellows together, and if they arrive at Newcastle at any time not later than the Beginning of July, that will answer our purpose. We are very well acquainted with Mr. Hawkes, but shall not trouble him with any Enquiry concerning you, but shall depend upon your punctuality and attention to the above Business, and before the Bellows are sent off, you shall hear again from us. We are Sir Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. The Bellows we had from Messrs. Rust and Maylin in 1766 of the same Dimensions we have ordered of you cost as follows. Smelting Bellows per pair £31 10 - Refining Bellows per pair 22 - - £53 10 - Your prices are Smelting Bellows per pair £36 15 - Refining Bellows per pair 24 3 - £60 18 - Difference in two pairs of Bellows £7 8 -