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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 9th. April 1785 Dear Sir We have this day drawn upon you pay[a]ble 60 Days after Date for £280. 19. 3 being the amount of 1014 Ounces of fine Silver at 5 /6 ½ d per Ounce. You will oblige us by enquiring whether Mr. Maylin of the Minories continues the Bellows Trade and if he does pray ask him in what time after he hears from us he can furnish us with Two Pair of Refining Bellows and Two Pair of Large Smelting Bellows. We are Dear Sir Your most Hble Servts. Walton & Turner £280. 19. 3 Farnacres 9th. April 1785 Sixty Days after Date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Carr Cookson Widdrington & Co. Two Hundred & Eighty Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Three Pence. Value Received as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. Holmes London