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Mr John Holmes Farnacres 8th Augt. 1783 Sir, We have recd. your Letter of the 30th. <…….> and as there certainly is a Mistake somewhere respecting the last Cake of Bullion sent you we think it necessary to send you Extracts from Letters &c relative thereto. Extract from Messrs. Mulcasters Letter of the 12th. July ‘Herewith you will receive a Cake of Silver cut into 8 pieces, the Weight 812 Ounces’. Extract from Messrs. Mulcasters’ account of the Quantities of Lead refined same Date as the Letter, but not sent by them to Messrs. Walton & Turner til the 13th July. ‘Produce of Silver extracted from the above 812 ounces.’ Extract from Mr. Harvey’s Letter of the 14th July 1783. ‘Have this day weighed the Silver Bullion and find it to be Eight Hundred and Twelve Ounces’. Copy of Receipt Recd. July 19th 1783 of Messrs. Walton & Turner a Box containing Eight Hundred & Twelve Ounces of Silver Bullion, which I promise to deliver to Mr. John Holmes Watchmaker in the Strand London as Witness my Hand for Jno. & <Jo.> Jacksons Witness to the Delivery Thos. Guthrie W. Harvey Notwithstanding the above as <I> have the best Opinion of your correctness, we shall only <draw> for 811 Ounces, being <perfectly satisfied> you will <Notify> the Error if you find you have made one when you deliver <out> the Silver to the <Con……rs>. We have this day drawn upon you for £251.18 being the Amount of 811 Ounces of fine Silver at <6s./2 ¼ d.> per Ounce and £1 short drawn for the 28 May last. I am very glad Weller seems to <sicken> and hope your Answer in Chancery has brought him to his Senses. I understand from both Mr. Smeaton & you that you had got Judgement in the Action you br[ough]t in your Tenants Name this Summer. I shall be glad you would be so good as acquaint me whether Mr. Smeaton is yet in Town and how long he proposes staying. I am Sir Your most Hble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr. PS. The Bill is payable 90 Days after Date. £251. 18. ,, Farnacres 8th August 1783 Thirty Days after Date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Saint Two Hundred and Fifty One Pounds Eighteen Shillings . Value received as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. Holmes London