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Dear Sir Farnacres 5. April 1783 I desire you will be so good as deliver to Mr. Willm. Cook Lord Ravensworths Agent in London a Watch for a Young Man of mine the price to be about Six Guineas & the sooner Mr. Cook receives the Watch the better as he will have an opportunity of sending it by a very careful person. You are desired to pack up the Watch in a little Box and after that seal it up in paper & direct it to Mr. Walton Senr. at Farnacres to the care of Henry Ellison Esqr. You’ll be pleased to send the inclosed by penny Post to Mr Cooke who will call upon you & you’ll let me know the charge for the Watch at any time when you may have occasion to write me. I inclose you two Recets. amounting together to £35. 17. 3 which I shall be obliged by your paying on the inclosed <Bills>. Mr Ibbetson you’ll be kind enough to call upon at the Admiralty and pay him these and Mr. Everest to whom I have wrote will I expect call upon you very <soon>. The lesser Sum is for Mr. Everest. I beg to be kindly remembered to Bro. Smeaton who I hope to hear from very soon. I am Dear Sir Your most Hble Servt. Nicholas Walton Jnr. Mr. Jno. Holmes