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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 4th. March 1786 Dear Sir, I have recd. your Letter of the 23rd. Inst and have this day drawn upon you for £253. 7. 8 being the Amount of 895 Ounces of fine Silver at 5s/8d after deducting four shillings for repairing my Watch which now goes very well. The Bill payable 40 Days after Date. I am for Partner & Self Dear Sir Your most Hble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr. £253. 7. 8 Farnacres 4th. March 1786 Forty Days after Date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Carr Cookson Widdrington & Co. Two Hundred and Fifty Three Pounds Seven Shillings and Eight Pence. Value Recd. as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. Holmes Strand London