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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 4th. June 1785 Dear Sir, We have this day rec’d your Letter of the 1st. Inst but shall not draw for the Silver yet as we must beg the favour of you to Pay for the Bellows which we lately ordered from Mr. White and which we expect will be shipped sometime about the beginning of July about which time you will hear further from us. We shall be obliged by your ordering 200 Casks of Bone Ashes to be sent us by Richd. Probert of Hoxton Bone House the same Person we usually have dealt with and to be sent by some of the Newcastle Merch[an]t Traders directed to us to the care of Mr. Henry Airey Merch[an]t Newcastle. The sooner we receive 50 Casks the better. We shall communicate the latter part of yr. Letter to Mr. Walton Senr. this day. Sorry to hear Mr. Smeaton has got Cold & wish him soon well again. Will you be good as to let him know that it is our wish not to have the Greasing of Waren Mill Gudgeons neglected. We are Dr. Sir Your Hble. Servants Walton & Turner PS. It is probable Mr. Smeaton will soon hear from Mr. W Senr. concerning the new invented Cast Iron <Axis> and proposed improvements therein. It is proposed that the Cog Wheels shall be fixed <again> Square of 21 inches running flush with the outer Diameter of the <Bellow> Axis and that the Water Wheel shall be fixed upon an <Octagon> of 29 feet in length each side of which <Octagon> shall run also flush with the outer Diameter of the <Kellow Axis>. The <Octagon> to be <Barrelled> with Wood and the <Irons> to be Keyed in so as that they may be taken out at any time by cutting out the Keys. In this way much <weight of …… will be saved> and in our <first> Opinion the <necessary strength will be proved>.