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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 30th. Janur. 1785 Dear Sir, Yesterday having recd. your Letter of the 26th. Inst, we drew upon you payble. 50 Days after Date for £239. 18. 4 being intended as for the amount of 858 Ounces of time Silver at 5s./7 ¼d but which on examining the casting we find to be 10 <s> short for which we will draw at some future time. We are sorry to see the Silver Market so low & that it is expected to be lower. Our fears concerning Mr. Smeaton are dispelled by our receiving a Letter from him dated the 21 Inst. Tho’ we do not rejoice on account of the death of your late adversary we are happy that you have got rid of so troublesome an Opponent and it will give us real satisfaction to have you and Mr. Smeaton long to enjoy the Ravensbourn Water and Water Birds without further interruption. We are Dear Sir Your most Hble. Servts. Walton & Turner PS. <It now Snows heavily. <New> Thermometer 33 Open Air Barometer 28.2. Wind <18. S… …. ….>