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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 27th. June 1786 Dear Sir, By the Newcastle Carrier for London we intend forwarding a Box to you on Saturday 1st. July containing 800 Ounces of fine Silver. You are desired to be so obliging as Pay Richard Probert for 100 Casks of Bone Ashes and be so good as make out the Account upon a fourpenny Stamp and get him to sign a Recet. which you’ll send us when you write on Receiving the Silver. The account will be as follows. The Commissioners and Governor of Greenwich Hospital 1786 To Richd. Probert Dr. June 16th. For 100 Casks of Bone Ashes containing 200 Bushels at 3s. £30 - - For 100 Casks at 2 1/2 d 10 16 8 For Carriage and Wharfage 2 7 - £43 3 8 Allowed for Prompt Payment 2 3 - £41 - 8 Stamp 4 £41 1 - Received July 1786 of Messrs. Walton & Turner the Contents. We are SirYour most Humble Servts. Walton & Turner