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Mr. Jno. Holmes Farnacres 27 Decemr. 1783 Dear Sir, I have recd. both your favours and have this Day drawn upon you for £191. 8. 2 being the Balance of Acct. as below. The Bill is payable 40 Days after date. I am Dr. Sir Your most Hble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr. 867 1/2 Ounces of Silver at 5s. 11d. £256 12 8 Deduct Bill payable to Maule 12 Dec. £15 4 6 Do. to R Crossley Esqr 20 Do. £60 - - £65 4 6 Balance due from Mr. Holmes £191 8 2 £191. 8s. 2d. Farnacres 27th Decemr. 1783 Forty Days after date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bill and Co. One Hundred and Ninety One Pounds Eight Shillings and Two Pence. Value Received as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. Holmes London