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Mr John Holmes Farnacres 26 Octr. 1784 Dear Sir, We have this Day drawn upon you for £324. 9. 11 which wth. £78. 5. 3 which you will be so obliging as pay to Mr. Everest on his signing the inclosed Rect., will make £396. 15. 2 being the Amount of 1405 ½ Ounces of Silver Bullion (the Weight of the 2 last Cakes sent you) at 5s/7 ¾ d. The Bill is made payable 60 Days after Date. We are Dear Sir Your most Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. We are very happy to hear Mr. Smeaton is in good Health, and you will be so good as acquaint him that he will soon hear from Mr. Walton Junr. You’ll also acquaint him that Mr. Meikle has behaved <most sorely ill> with regard to Warren Mill, the <Mastering> of which is very far from being yet completed, and we are now got again into Winter, the Ground having been entirely covered with Snow both yesterday and this Day. £324. 9. 11 Farnacres 26th. Octr. 1784 Sixty Days after Date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Carr Cookson Widdrington & Co. Three Hundred and Twenty Four Pounds Nine Shillings and Eleven Pence. Value received as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. Holmes London