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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 25 Mar. 1786 Dear Sir, By the London Carrier which set out this Day from Newcastle we sent you a Box containing 567 Ounces of fine Silver, and are Dear Sir Your most Hble Servt. Walton & Turner Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 25 Mar. 1786 Dear Sir, We shall be much obliged by your call[in]g upon Mr. Ibbetson any Day after the 31st. Inst but the sooner the better, and paying him £45. 8. 4, and by your paying Mr. Everest £37 - 4 when he calls upon you; both of which Sums we shall deduct in our first Acct. wth. you. We inclose you 2 Receipts for Mr. Ibbetson & Mr. Everest to sign, and you are desired to send them to us at any convenient Opportunity. No.1 for Mr. Everest to Sign and No. 2 for Mr. Ibbetson.