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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 25 March 1785 Dear Sir We have recd. your Letter of the 14th. inst and have since seen our Friend, Mr. Wm. Jobling, who is very desirous to deal with you, and will send you from 2 to 3 Thousand Ounces of Silver annually from the time of his beginning to refine. The conditions to be the same as you take our Silver upon, and he agrees to drawing at 40 Days Date. If at any time you shd. wish to have a larger Quantity, Mr. Jobling will be glad to furnish you with it. Each party to be clear on giving Notice by Letter. By last Weeks London Waggon you will receive a Box containing 1014 Oz. of Silver Bullion. We are Dear Sir Your most Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. You need not fear the fineness of the Silver as the Operation will be performed exactly in the same manner as at our Works.