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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 24th. June 1785 Dear Sir, I desire you’ll be so good as to pay Richard Roberts for the inclosed and take his Recet. which you may keep till you have got the Bellows makers Recet. also & about this you will hear further from me. I am Dear Sir Your most Hble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr. PS. I have reced. Bro[the]r Smeatons Letter by which I am much obliged and have given directions agreeable thereto. The Company from whom you were to have had the Silver having behaved very improperly to me I shall not trouble myself about their disposing of their Silver and I believe they have sold their first Cake in Newcastle, and as 50 Casks of the 100 of Bone Ashes ordered of Richd. Probert are for this Company I desire that you’ll acquaint Probert that we must only have 150 in the whole or 50 Casks besides those for which we now inclose you the Account. I have ordered Richd. Prob. to call upon you soon.