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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 25 September 1786 Dear Sir, I have recd. your Letter of the 20th. Inst and have made some enquiry after the Person you mention. I find that within the course of this Year he has Married to a young Woman called Stephenson Daughter to a Carpenter of considerable Note in Newcastle who is said to be worth a good Deal of Money. I have reason given me to think Walker is in low Circumstances & I doubt his abilities in his Profession are in no wise equal to those of his late Father. If you send a Bill upon him I will endeavour to get the Money but I shall be from home from the 9th. of Octo.r to the 31st. Inclusive or so much engaged that I shall not be enabled to attend to any business except that of Greenwich Hospital. I have this day drawn upon you for £234. 17. 4 being the amount of 832 Ounces of fine Silver at 5 / 7 3/4 per Ounce. The Bill is pay[a]ble 40 Days after Date. My Son acquainted me that he had sent his old Watch to you desiring to have a new one. Any charge on this Acct. you’ll be so kind as make me Debtor for. I expect to see my Partner Sir John Turner very soon in this Country. I know he has had a Mill in his Head for some time. My Daughter is now at Austhorpe upon a Visit to Mr. & Mrs. Brooke. I am Dear Sir Your most Hble Servant Nich. Walton Junr. £234. 17. 4 Farnacres 25th. Septem[be]r 1786 Forty Days after Date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Carr Cookson Widdrington and Company Two Hundred and Thirty Four Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Four Pence. Value Received - as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. Holmes London