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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 23rd Augt. 1783 Dear Sir, I have this morning rec’d. your letter of the <20th. inst>, before the opening of which <this very> letter was dated, so that it arrived very <criticaly or be answered> immediately. With regard to the falling short of this Cake of Bullion Arrived the 29th July I desired it <may not …………… by our drawing with 8th instant at 811 Ounces>. This Weeks Carrier will bring you <a Box containing 749 ½ Ounces>. I was much concerned to be informed of Mr. Smeaton’s Indisposition, the particulars <of whi. Like premonitions …> and I have this day written to him. I was also much concerned to hear of Mr Smeaton<…. so very poorly & I assure> you … all join most heartily in wishing them a perfect Recovery as are likewise go un best wishes to yourself & family. I am Dear Sir your most hble servt Nicholas Walton junr PS. I desire you’ll purchase <./..> & send to me a Lottery Ticket in the present State Lottery when you <…> acknowledge the Rect of the Silver. I now advise you <of> My Friend during the <T……… B……..> immedietaly. I shall be glad to know the Determination at Norfolk, and to be informed how you are likely to go on with Weller