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Mr John Holmes Farnacres 20th May 1783 Dear Sir Your Letters of the 12th of April and 3rd of May are now before me and I duly attend to what you mention as to the price of Bullion. After the 4th of April I observe there was nothing done as to the price of Std. Barrs, for some considerable time, but as the first price in Castaigns Paper after the 4th April was not less than it was upon the 4th I shall charge you 6/3d for the first Quantity and 6s/ 3¼d for the last Quantity and have this day drawn upon you for the Balance of your Account amounting to £160. 2s. 9d as below mentioned the Bill being payable 40 days after date. Due from Mr. John Holmes s d For 436 1/2 Ounces of Silver Bullion at 6 3 £136 8 1 1/2 For 469 1/2 Do at 6 3 1/4 £147 4 1 1/2 £283 12 3 Due to Mr. Holmes For Cash paid Mr. Ibbetson £27 7 7 1/2 For Do. paid Mr. Everest 95 1 10 1/2 £122 9 6 Balance due from Mr. Holmes £160 2 9 I am much obliged & so is Mr. Turner by the trouble you have taken for us in transacting the business with Messrs. Ibbetson and Everest and paying the above Sums to them and I thank you for what you have done respecting the Lottery Tickets. I long wish to hear from my Brother Smeaton who I shall be happy to be informed is in good health and am with best wishes to him and also yourself and Family from Mr. Turner & Self. I am Sir Your obliged Hble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr. PS. Be so good as order <Rich.> Probert to send us 150 Casks of Bone Ashes as soon as he can & that he must take care to have the Casks good. £160. 2. 9. Farnacres 20th. May 1783 Forty Days after Date pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Saint One Hundred and Sixty Pounds Two Shillings and Nine Pence. Value received as Advised by Walton & Turner Mr John Holmes London Copy
‘Castaigns Paper’ was the ‘Course of the Exchange’ begun in 1697 by John Castaing, a Huguenot refugee in London. became the de facto ‘official’ stock price publication. It is still published today as the Stock Exchange Daily Official List and is the longest continuously running financial periodical in the world.