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Mr John Holmes Farnacres 20th June 1783 We have this day drawn upon you for £229. 18. _ payable. Forty days after date being the Balance of the Account as above & we shall be obliged by your paying <Rd.> Probert and sending the Recet. the first opportunity that is convenient. We are Dear Sir Your most hble Servants. Walton & Turner PS. The Watches are come safe to hand. Mr. Smeaton very well this day & desires his Compliments. Mr Walton thanks you for the trouble <about the Sale> of the Lottery Tickets. Due from Mr. John Holmes. For 769 1/2 Ounces Silver Bullion at 6s. 3d. £260 9 11 For <... ..> two £20 Prizes Mr. Walton 39 19 - £280 3 4 Due to Mr. Jno. Holmes For a Watch and cleaning another £ 6 10 For the amount of Richd Proberts Bill for Bone Ashes £ 44 -- 4 £ 50 10 4 Balance due from Mr. Holmes £229 18 - £229. 18. _ Copy Farnacres 20th June 1783 Forty Days after Date pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Cookson Carr & Co. Two Hundred and Twenty Nine Pounds Eighteen Shillings. Value received as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. Holmes London