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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 19th. July 1784 Dear Sir We have recd. your Letter of the 14th. Instant and have this day drawn upon you for £123. 18. 7 being the amount of 499 ½ Ounces of Silver Bullion at 5s./9d. per Ounce after deducting 4s. for cleaning my Sons Watch £4.10s you pay on his Acct. £1. 1. for Waterage of the Pipes and £13. 9. 6 for 49 yards of Elm <Pipes> at 5s/6d per Yard. You’ll be so good as send the Recets. for the Pipes & Waterage by Post if Mr. Lambert shd. not get them. We are very glad to hear our Friends Messrs. Smeaton & Everest are improving in their state of health as they have our very best wishes. We beg to hear from you after the Tryals are over and most heartily wish you success. We are Your very humble Servts. Walton & Turner £123. 18. 7. Farnacres 19 July 1784 Forty Days after Date pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Carr Cookson Widdrington & Co. One Hundred and Then Three Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Seven Pence. Value received as advised by Walton & Turner To Mr. Holmes London £123. 18. 7.