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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres Decemr. 19th. 1786 Dear Sir, We duly recd. your Letter of the 29th. Ulto. and have this day drawn upon you for £234. 1. 3 20 days after Date being Balance of Account as below. I am wishing you and yours many happy returns of the ensuing Season & the same to my worthy Brother Smeaton. Dear Sir Your most Humble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr. 900 Oz of Silver at 5/7 3/4 £254 1 3 Deduct Bill on Walker recd. 20 - - Balance £234 1 3 PS. I have been so much engaged of late in settling our Annual Account and other unavoidable engagements which I fear will last till the New Year, that I shall not be able to proceed wth. my Brother Smeaton’s business till January & then it may expect dispatch. £234. 1s. 3d. Farnacres 19 Decemr. 1786 Twenty Days after Date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Carr Cookson Widdrington & Co. Two Hundred and Thirty Four Pounds One Shilling & Three Pence, Value received as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. Holmes London