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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 17th Janry. 1783 Dear Sir, We have received the favour of your Letter of the 11th inst and have this day drawn upon you for £167 - 10s - 1 being the Amount of 554 ½ Ounces of fine Silver at 6 - ½ per Ounce. The Bill is payable 40 Days after Date. We are sorry to see that Silver has fallen in price so very rapidly, and that it seems likely to be lower, and we shall be obliged to you in your next if you will give us your Judgement as to the cause of this. Yesterday Mr. Walton <received a Letter> from Mr. Smeaton acquainting him that he <had been ill> with a Cold, but that he has got better again. We are Dear Sir Your most Hble. Servts. Walton & Turner £167. 10. 1 Farnacres 17 January 1783 Forty Day after Date pay to the Order of Messrs Bell Cookson & Co. One Hundred and Sixty Seven Pounds Ten Shillings and One Penny. Value received as advised by Walton & Turner To Mr. Homes London