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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 16 April 1783 Dear Sir Below you have two Receipts which I must beg the favour of you to get Mr. Everest to Sign and that you will pay him the amount being £86. 12. 3. Mr. Everest is wrote to this day desiring he will call upon you. By the Carrier who set out from Newcastle on Saturday you will receive a Box containing about 470 Ounces of Bullion & we shall not draw for the Cake you last had ‘till the Box above ment[ione]d arrives & desire you’ll then be so good as send us the Recet. for the pay[m]ent wch. you have been so kind as make to Messrs. Ibbetson & Everest & the Recet. for the £86. 12. 3. Pray when do you expect to receive the Lottery Tickets? I am Dear Sir Your most Hble Servt. Nich. Walton Jnr PS I am concerned to hear of Mr. Everest having lost his Wife. Perhaps Bro. Smeaton could bring the Watch.