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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 15th. July 1786 Dear Sir, I have this Day recd. your obliging Letter of the 12th. Inst. and have drawn upon you for Balance of Account as below pay[a]ble Sixty Days after Date. I am much obliged to my brother Smeaton and you for the kind communication respecting my Son which I assure you both gives us all the truest satisfaction, and I beg you will thank my Brother on Acct. of the trouble he had about the Sextant. My Son writes me it is a charming fine Instrument and that he thinks himself much obliged to Brother Smeaton for the trouble he took in getting and sending it. I am Dear Sir Your most Humble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr. Due from Mr John Holmes for 800 Oz. of Silver at 5s/8 1/4d £227 10 - for Money short drawn for 27 May 10 - - £237 10 - Cr. For Payments made Mr. Smeaton for Sextant for my Son £10 13 - Richd. Probert for Bone Ashes £41 1 - Mr. Everest per Receipt for his Bill £37 - 7 £88 14 7 Balance £ £148 15 5 £148. 15. 5 Farnacres 15th. July 1786 Sixty Days after Date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Carr Cookson Widdrington & Co. One Hundred and Forty Eight Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Five Pence. Value received as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. Holmes London