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Farnacres 13th Decembr. 1782 Mr John Holmes Dear Sir, We have received your Letter of the 7th Inst. and have this day drawn upon you payable 30 days after date for £240 - 4d being the amount of 750 Ounces of Silver at 6/ 4 1/2d We are Dear Sir Your most Humble Servts. Walton & Turner PS Mr. Walton will be obliged to Mr Holmes for disposing of the enclosed Tickets Nos. 4115 and 29,133 being £20 Prizes & as there is no hurry as to the time of doing that Mr. Holmes will be so good as to sell them when they are likely to bring the best prices. Farnacres 13th Decemr. 1782 £240 - 4d Thirty Days after Date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Cookson Carr & Co. Two Hundred and Forty Pounds and Four Pence - Value receivd. as advised by Walton & Turner To Mr. Holmes London