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Due from Mr. John Holmes as follows. For 552 1/2 Ounces of fine Silver at 5s/7 1/2d £155 7 10 For 890 1/2 Do. at 5s/6 3/4d 247 13 5 £403 1 3 Due to Mr. John Holmes. For Cash pd Richd. Probert for Bone Ashes £43 3 8 For Do. to be pd. him for Do. 21 12 2 For Do. pd. John White Bellows maker 121 16 - Stamp 4 £186 12 2 Balance due from Mr. John Holmes £216 9 1 Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 1st. August 1785 Dear Sir, We yesterday recd. your Letter of the 28th. Ulto. and have this day drawn upon you for the Balance of Acct. above £216. 9s. 1d pay[a]ble Sixty Days after Date. You will be pleased to pay Ricd. Probert £21.12. 2 particulars as below and be so good as send his Recet. the first opportunity. Your weighing is right. The mistake was made by our setting down 891 ½ instead of 890 ½. The words in the Recet. from the Carrier are as follows – ‘Eight Hundred & Ninety & one half Ounces.’ We are Dear Sir Your most Humble Servts. Walton & Turner Messrs. Walton & Turner <Drs.> 1785 To Richd. Probert July 19th To 50 Casks Bone Ashes qt 100 <cwt>@ 3/ 15 0 0 To 50 Casks @ 2/3 5 8 4 To Cartge. 10/6 & Wharfage 13/- 1 3 6 £21 11 10 Stamp 4 £21 12 2 £216. 9. 1. Farnacres 1st. August 1785 Sixty Days after Date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Carr Cookson Widdrington & Co. Two Hundred and Sixteen Pounds Nine Shillings and one penny. Value received as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. John Holmes London