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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 1 June 1784 We have recd. your Letters of the 29th. & 31st. Ult. and are happy the accident as to the Fire was so well got over. The loss we look upon as nothing. You are desired to give a Couple of Guineas to the people for their assistance letting our own People partake who were so good as come on Notice of the accident. It certainly will be proper to be clear of the Old Woman you mention. If any circumstances of suspicion shd. arise we doubt not your attention. We cannot consider Mr. Peter Mulcaster being absent in any other light than that of chance, he surely was not to blame. Everything remains unsettled as to Harsondale & will do so till we can have you to be satisfied & shall be glad to see Mr. Mulcaster here in Friday at dinner. We approve of what you have done as to T. Ions & the letting the Roads. The Operation & T. Temperleys Accts. are received & we shall pay Mr. Mulcaster £9. 12. 8 on Friday for the payment made <Harbet>. We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner Mr. Walton still continues better.