Lease – William Blackett to William Ramsay – 16 Nov 1693

Document Type: Lease
Date: 16 Nov 1693
Correspondent: William Blackett
Recipient: William Ramsay
Archive Source: TWA 3415 CA 19
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      This Indenture made the Sixteenth day of November in the Fifth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the Faith &r Between Sr. William Blackett of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Barrt of the one part and William Ramsay of the Said Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esqr of the other part 

      Witnesseth that the said Sr. William Blackett For and in Consideration of the Covenants hereafter in and by these p[re]sents mentoned to be performed by the Said William Ramsay his Exers. And Adms  As also For divers other goods Causes and Considerations him the Said Sr. William Blackett thereunto moving 

      Hath demised granted and to Farme Letten and doth by these p[re]sents demise grant and to Farme or Lett unto the Said William Ramsay his Exers.  and Adms  one third part (the whole in three parts equally to be divided) of Four hundred yards in Length in Lineal Extent Northwards and twenty yards on each Side thereof in breadth and two hundred yards in Length in Lineal Extent Southwards from the Slitt-foot where the old Levell cuts the Veine and twenty yards on each Side thereof in breadth upon the veine of Lead or Lead oare called Breckonsike in Sedlin As also one third part (the whole in three parts equally to be divided) of Six hundred yards in Length in Lineal Extent and twenty yards on each Side thereof  in breadth in all Forty yards in breadth upon a veine of Lead or Lead Ore called Groverakeslitt boundring Eastwards from Rookhopeburne As also one third part (the whole in three parts equally to be divided) of Six hundred yards in Length in Lineal extent and twenty yards on each Side thereof in breadth in all Forty yards in breadth upon the veine of Lead or Lead oar called Harneshaw boundring Westward from the  East end of the bounder of that veine As also one third part the whole in three parts equally to be divided of Four hundred yards in Length in Lineal Extent Southwards and twenty yards on each Side thereof in breadth and two hundred yards in Length in Linear Extent Northwards from Shaftwell burne and twenty yards on each Side thereof in breadth upon the veine of Lead or Lead Oare called Shaftwell veine in Bollyhopeburne All wch. Said Lead mines ly within the parish of Standhope and County of Durham together with free Liberty to and For the Said William Ramsay his Exers. Adms. Or Assignes to dig and Sink pitt or pitts Shaft or Shafts and to drive drift or drifts Levell or Levells within or without the boundaries aforesaid and to erect houses Hovells and Lodges within the boundaries aforesaid and to do whatsoever else is or Shall be neadfull or requisite to be done For in or about the wining working or getting of Lead Oare or Ure within the Limitts and boundaries aforesaid for and during the Space and Terme of Twenty and one yeares next ensuing the date hereof If Humphrey Wharton of Gillingwood Exqr Anthony Wharton his Son and Jane Wharton his daughter (For whose Lives the said Sr. William Blackett holds the office of Moorman or Mooremaster of the Lord Bishop of Durham) or any of them Shall so long Live and as Fully amply and beneficially in every respect as the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or any of them enjoy the Same provided this p[re]sent demise or any thing therein contained do not obstruct or enterfeir with any Former or other Grant or Lease of Leadmines or Lead Oare made by the Said Sr. William Blackett to any person or persons whatsoever 

      And the said William Ramsay doth for himselfe his Exers Adms and Assignes Covenant and agree to and with the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes and every of them by these p[re]sents  in manner and Forme Following (That is to say) That he the said William Ramsay his Exers Adms or Assignes shall and will within the Space of two months next ensuing the date hereof begin and sett on worke and use his and their best and utmost endeavours for the Speedy and effectual winning obtaining and Recovering of all the Said Several Leadmines within the boundaries aforesaid 

      And from thenceforth during all the Said Terme of twenty and one yeares Shall not discontinue working at the Said Several Leadmines at any Time by the Space of two months together nor bring nor wittingly nor willingly Suffer to be brought any <Thrust> upon any pitt Shaft or Levell belonging to the p[re]misses but Shall and will from time work the Said Leadmines Fairly according to the Course of working Leadmines during the Said Terme 

      And at the end and expiration or other Sooner determinaton thereof Shall and will Leave one Shaft well timbred and in good repaire upon the Forehead or Front of the Said Leadmines And shall also deliver up to Quiet and peaceable possession of all other the p[re]misses to the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or Assignes 

      And that neither he the said William Ramsay his Exers Adms or Assignes or any of them Shall or will assigne over or dispose of all or any part or parts of the p[re]mises to any person or persons whatsoever without the Licence of the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or Assignes  by writing under his and their hand and Seale Signifying the Same First had and obtained 

      And that he the Said William Ramsay his Exers Adms & Assignes Shall and will make reasonable Satisfacton from Time to Time during the Said Terme to all persons who shall have Spoyle of ground by working the Said Lead mines hereby Letten or any part thereof or who Shall Loose any goods by the not Filling up or fenceing of any pitt or pitts grove or groves within the boundaries aforesaid 

      And Further also that he the Said William Ramsay his Exers and Adms shall and will upon demand of the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or Assignes or his or their Stewards or Agents From time to Time deliver to him or them all the Lead oare (well washed dressed and Fitt for Smelting) That during the Said Terme Shall be digged wrought or gotten Forth and out of the Said Lead mines hereby Letten as aforesaid 

      And at the end of every month during the Said Terme to give and deliver to the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes if requested a Just and True account in writing of the number of Bing Loads of Lead oare That in and during the p[ro]ceeding month have been wrought and gotten Forth out off the Said Leadmines or any part thereof and permitt and Suffer the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or Assignes or any of them to inspect the Bookes of accounts of the Stewards of the Said Leadmines the better to be Informed of and to know what Quantity of Lead oar hath been wrought and gotten out of the Same in every p[re]ceeding month or Months during the Said Terme And shall and will also permit and Suffer the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes and his and their Servants and workmen at his or their Wills and pleasures to ride or discend into all or any the pitts or Shafts of or belonging to the Said Lead mines to view and inspect the Course of working thereof and after Such Inspecton peaceably to returne 

      And the Said Sr. William Blackett for himselfe his heires Exers and Adms and every of them doth Covenant and agree to and with the Said William Ramsay his Exers and Adms by these p[re]sents in manner following (That is to say) that he the Said William Ramsay his Exers and Adms duly and truly performing all the Covenants Clauses provisoes and agreem[ent]s herein contained on his or their parts to be performed Shall and may during all the Said Terme of Twenty and one yeares If the Said Humphrey Wharton Anthony Wharton and Jane Wharton or any of them Shall So long Live Lawfully peaceably and Quietly have hold and enjoy all the Said Lead mines and p[re]misses hereby Letten or mentoned or intended So to be without the Lett Hindrance or disturbance of the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or Assignes or any of them 

      And that the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes Shall and will Take and Carry away the said Lead Oare gott out of the Demised p[re]misses So Soon as the Same can Conveniently be carryed away 

      And that he the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes at the end of every three months after the Lead oar gott out of the demised p[re]misses is delivered to the Servants of the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or Assignes shall and will well and truly pay or Cause to be paid unto the Said William Ramsay his Exers or Adms the Sume of eighteen Shillings of Lawfull English money For every Bing Load of Lead oar well washt drest and Fitt for Smelting that Shall be gotten out of the Said Lead mines hereby Letten and wch. shall be delivered to the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or Assignes or to his or their Stewards Servants or Agents as aforesaid each and every of the Said Bing Loades of Lead oar Being the great weight and to containe Sixty Foure Stone Computing Fourteen pounds to every Stone besides the poakes or Sacks wch. are not to be part of nor reckoned into the Said Weight 

      And that the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes Shall and will also according to the true Intent and meaning of these p[re]sents discharge the p[re]misses of and From all Lott oar Tyth Oar Rents Taxes and Impositons whatsoever to be charged upon or issuing or payable out off the p[re]misses during the Said Terme 

      Provided allways and it is hereby Covenanted declared and agreed upon by and between the Said parties to these p[re]sents For themselves their heires Exers and Adms and every of them that the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or Assignes and his and their Servants and workmen Shall and may during the Said Terme have Liberty to use any of the Shafts Levells or water Courses to be made within the boundaries aforesaid at his or their pleasure to drive drift or drifts within or through the same boundaries For or in order to the winning or working of any other Lead mines of or belonging to the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or Assignes He the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires or Assignes making Such Satisfaccon To the Said William Ramsay his Exers or Adms for all damage or Losse by him or them to be done or occasioned to the said Shafts Levells drifts or water Courses within the demised p[re]misses as by two Arbitrat[er]s the one to be named by the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires & Assignes the other to be named by the Said William Ramsay <parchment damaged – possibly his assignes> shall be thought fitt and reasonable and paying the same within three months next after the Same shall be appointed to be paid by the Said Arbitrat[er]s 

      provided also and upon condicon and it is the true Intent and meaning of these p[re]sents and of the said parties hereunto that if the Said William Ramsay his Exers and Adms at any time during the Said Terme shall desist and discontinue the winning or working any of the Said Lead mines hereby Letten For the Space of two callendar months together that then in Such case this present demise of the Said Leadmines or Lead mine so discontinued to be wonn & wrought by the Space of the Said Two Callendar months Shall be void And that it Shall and may be Lawfull for the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires and Assignes into the Lead mine or Lead mines So discontinued to be wrought as aforesaid to Reenter and the Same to have & enjoy as in his or their First and Former Estate any thing in these p[re]sents contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding 

      provided allwayes and upon condicon that if the Said William Ramsay his Exers and Adms Shall Fayle or neglect duly to performe any of the Covenants Clauses or agreem.ts herein contained on his or their parts to be pformed then and in every such case These p[re]sents to be void and it Shall and may be Lawfull To and For the Said Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires and Assignes into all the p[re]mises abovementoned to Reenter and the Same to have againe Repossess and enjoy as in his or their Former Estates anything herein contained to the Contrary hereof in anywise notwithstanding 

      provided also and It is Further Covenanted and agreed upon by and between the parties to these p[re]sents That if the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes be at any Time or Times during the Continuance of this demise unwilling to pay the Said Sume of eighteen Shillings For every Bing of Lead Oar gott out off the demised p[re]misses according to the Covenant Comprized in these p[re]sents and thereof give notice in writeing to the Said William Ramsay his Exers and Adms undr. the hand and Seale of the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires or Assignes upon any day appointed by these p[re]sents for the paymt. of the Said Lead Oar That in Such case and as often as the Same Shall happen That the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes Shall be & continue dyscharged of and From the payment of the Said eighteen Shillings p[er] Bing Load untill such Time as the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes give notice that he and They will receive againe the Lead oar gott out off the demised p[re]misses under the agreement aforesaid 

      And It is agreed by and between the Said parties to these p[re]sents that during such time  as the said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes refuse to take the Said Lead <parchment damaged> be Lawfull For the said William Ramsay his Exers and Adms to take the <Lead ore parchment damaged> without making any payment for the Same to the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires and Assignes other Than The Lott oar and Tythe oar due out of the Said Lead mines it being agreed by and between the Said parties to these p[re]sents that during the Said Time or Times The Said Lott oar and Tyth Oar Shall be paid to the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires and Assignes anything in these p[re]sents contained to the contrary notwithstanding 

      provided also and upon Conditon and It is hereby further Covenanted declared and agreed upon by and between the Said parties to these p[re]sents for themSelves their Heires Exers Adms and Assignes That if the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires or Assignes Shall Surrender the Said office of moor man or moormaster to the Said Bishop of Durham or his Successors Then and in Such case this demise of all and Singular the p[re]misses Shall be void and of none effect 

      And the Said Sr. William Blackett for himself his Heires Exers and Adms and every of them <doth> Covenant and agree to and with the Said William Ramsay his Exers and Adms by these p[re]sents  That the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires and Assignes Shall and will within the Space of six months after the Surrender of the demised p[re]misses by the Said William Ramsay his Exers Adms or Assignes to the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires and Assignes procure a new Grant of the Said office of moor master from the now Lord Bishop of Durham or his Success[or]s to the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires & Assignes during one Two or three Lives and within Twelve Months after the Said New Grant procured as aforesaid the Said Sr. William Blackett his heires and Assignes Shall execute a new Grant of the Said Lead mines within the boundaries aforesaid to the Said William Ramsay his Exers and  Adms during all Such Residue Remaind.r and Terme of yeares as of the Said Terme of Twenty and one yeares herein before mentioned shall be Then to come and unexpired and with upon and under the Covenants provisoes and agreem.ts as are Contained in these p[re]sents And that untill Such Grant shall be made as aforesaid that the Said William Ramsay his Exers  and Adms Shall peaceably and Quietly Hold and Enjoy the demised p[re]misses without the Interrupton of the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heires or Assignes or any Claiming by From or under him them or any of them In Witnesse whereof the parties abovesaid To these p[re]sent Indentures have interchangeably Sett their hands and Seales the day and yeare  First above written Annoqz Dmi 1693

[When folded, on front in a different hand (Joseph Richmond’s?):]

Sr. Wm. Blacketts Lease of Lead Mines 

[and above this, inserted:] 

One third part of Sevel. <xxxxxx>) in weredaile to Wm. Ramsay Esqr. For one & Twenty yeares, dated the Sixteenth day of Novemb.r 1693


[Faint, and almost unreadable, on the back leaf:]

Sealed & Delivered xxxxxxxx  Wm Forster Wm Blackett Tho. Mowbray

[When folded, on an inner leaf and in a different hand:]

Themselves their Heirs Exers Adms and Assignes That he the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heirs or Assignes Shall and will well and truely pay or cause to be paid Unto the Said William Ramsey his Exec.s Adm.s and Assignes the Sume of Twenty Shillings of Lawfull money of England for every Bing load of Lead oare which at any time hereafter dureing the continuanse of this demise Shall be wrought or gotten out of the Lead mines within or above mentoned by the Said William Ramsey his Exec.s Adm.s or Assignes and delivered to the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heirs or Assignes Except the wast oare or <cuttings> washed over againe out of the dead Heaps to be layd upon or belonging to the p[re]misses which the Said Sr. William Blackett his Heirs or Assignes Shall and may have well washed and fit for Smelting at the rate of Thirteen Shillings (inserted: & four pence) of like Lawfull money p[er] Bing load any thing within mentoned to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding
Piece reference TWA/3415/CA/19/36. William Ramsay, goldsmith of Newcastle, took other leases of lead mines in and near Weardale at around this time.   These were a lease from John Bacon in 1694 and a lease from the Dean and Chapter in 1695.   Transcripts of both these leases are also available in Dukesfield Documents

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467